About us

onArts organizes and conducts exhibitions, commissioned artworks, workshops, art directing and other cultural related projects. We also organize an art festival (upn aka. UpNorth Festival). This festival changes its location within the Arctic area, and northern countries. The team has different expertise, and one of the lucky bastards actually won a reward a few years ago for his recognition and making everything happen. Salut!
onArts is primary an online gallery, but makes yearly events and works as a popup gallery. Showcasing the modern/urban contemporary art indoor which has been translated from the outdoor scene and events as the festival, or other related projects and previous exhibitions. Most of the sale profits go back to fund the festivals, to make sure we can keep up if no funding applications go through.
upn (aka. UpNorth Festival) is a small non-profit organization based in Bodø, Northern Norway, above the Arctic circle. The organization’s main focus is modern/urban contemporary art, and the goal is to present art to the public – in environments you wouldn´t normally expect to find in this type of artistic expression.
We are also pleased and humble to work with well-known printing companies, with many years of experience. We have invited artists that have had the opportunity to work with some of them, to explore the analog printing process compared to the digital movement which we experience today.
Never hesitate to reach out anytime if you got any questions. We are more than happy to hear from you, just give us a sec to answer sometimes 😉
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